Last night, our county ( Cobb County ) had the final Commissioner’s hearing on the topic of revising the ordinance on dog tethering. It was a huge step in the right direction in the effort to prevent and end abuse/neglect for these forgotten pups. So many people showed their support and voiced their concerns as citizens over the past few months at these meetings. So many emotional and passionate stories, experiences shared. In the end, it was a 5-0 unanimous decision in favor of these new guidelines:
Video of the vote
So many people to thank in support of this ordinance! It’s up to us now as a community to help report and educate those who will continue to allow the inhumane treatment of their dogs!! Democracy at it’s best last night!!
And as if that wasn’t enough, one of the supporters donated a metal crate, bag of food and some tennis balls!!! How cool is that?!?!? #DonateHUHA