Donations Delivered to the Extension

Today was a new fork in the road in HUHA’s journey. After a brief discussion about our donation inventory with a neighbor, the topic came up regarding donation items that we turn down due to rescues not having a use for certain items. Our neighbor, mentioned that she, was in fact, on the Board of Directors for the Extension The Extension transforms chemically dependent homeless men and women into sober, accountable members of society. They need everyday items and household goods. This opened a door of opportunity for HUHA to help more than just animals without taking a detour from our original mission. As we come across items that may not fit HUHA’s mission for pet rescue, we will now open our inventory to these items and deliver them to this wonderful organization. If you have any of these items, you can donate them to HUHA or directly to the Extension:

NEEDS : men and women’s clothing of various sizes, copier paper, bathroom tissue, coffee, shaving razors, laundry detergent, sugar and creamer. For the latest needs call Tyler Driver, Executive Director at 770-590-9075 x. 301,

The Extension

Today, we took some of our recent donations of paper towels from Costco and donated to the cause. 50 rolls of paper towels is the first baby step in a new relationship we look forward to evolving. #DonateHUHA


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